See online version

Main problems

A dialog box indicates that the file D3D9.dll can not be found
If the file D3D9.dll is missing, you need to install Microsoft DirectX version 9.0b ou higher.
DirectX9.0b is available on the game cd in this directory: “Dx9.0b Redist\DirectX9”. You can also download it from Microsoft's official website:

The cd protection test doesn't work
If the game does not launch after the protection test, you need to contact your local retailer.

The game crashes when I move the mouse
In the launcher, click on Configure->Emulate cursor, and save. When the cursor is emulated, its reaction time will be slightly slower.

The game has display problems
Always get the latest drivers of your video card (you can find them on the website of your graphic card's manufacturer). Compatibility and performance issue are regularly corrected.

Laptops can cause problems since most graphic chips manufacturers (including ATI and Nvidia) don't support them in their drivers. Laptops often use proprietary drivers (supported by the assembler, but rarely updated). For ATI cards, you can try to download the Omega drivers at or the DNA drivers at Some other, more complex manipulations can help: deactivate Fastwrite in the advanced properties of your card, reduce AGP aperture to 64 Mo, set AGP to 4X.

Some display problems are linked to advanced functions (shadows, reflections...) that you can deactivate in the game's launcher.

The display is very slow
The display speed depends mostly on the display options that can be reduced to gain performance.

From the launcher, click Configure to access the display setting dialog box. Try to reduce the resolution. The full screen mode is usually faster than the windowed. Set the graphical quality to « Best performance ».

For even more performance, you can set the graphical quality to « Custom » to access advanced display configuration. The minimum settings are: Shader quality = PC0, Texture quality = Low, Antialiasing = None, MaxFiltering = Bilinear, Shadows = None. In the game settings, you can lower the quality of the sea and the opponents, and hide the crew.
The sound may also cause lag on some machines (set in the audio settings).

My display does not match the screenshots on the box
To get an optimal image quality, you need a recent graphic card (chips 9500 and higher for ATI, FX 5200 and higher for Nvidia)

The game is very slow although my machine is way over the minimum requirement
Some applications lauched automatically when you start your computer can hamper the game's perfromances. Try to close applications not required for playing (Peer2Peer, downloads, communication tools...). The display is often a cause of slowdown (the display is very slow).

How do I play online ?
« When I want to play online, the game asks for an online key, whereis it ? »
The key is on a sticker at the back of the manual. Enter the 19 caracters code.

To create an online account enter your:
1. online key
2. account name
3. password
4. country
5. town
6. your e-mail is optionnal

You can't create a new account with an already used name (by another player), so don't enter a too basic name.
Remember your account name and password, you will need it if you want to re-install the game.
The fields 4 and 5 are used to find servers
Your e-mail can be used to retrieve your account if you lose it

I lost my online account
If you entered your e-mail, just launch the game and click « send e-mail » on the online subscription dialog box.
Otherwise, please contact your local retailer.

I can't create a server.
You need to configure or deactivate your firewall if you have one (at least open the port 2350 in TCP and UDP).
Sometimes, Windows XP users forget they activated their default firewall. It is configured in local network connexion properties -> TCP/IP properties -> advanced, then Options -> TCP/IP filtering -> Properties.
Zone Alarm users must launch the game in windowed mode the first time they connect to internet to allow Virtual Skipper to use the connexion.
The « BitDefender » software enters in conflict with the game. You can either uninstall it or upgrade it to version 7.1, or install the game in one of the following folders (in lower case): avx, mgui, rav7, ravwin8, sweep.